Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Messengers and The Message

                                           Messengers and the Message
Dear Friends,
     Before the birth of the Savior some important messengers were sent to bring the message of comfort and joy. First an angel came to Zacharias  with the message that his wife Elisabeth would bear a son that would bring them joy and gladness. The angel told of the message that this child would bring to people, to help them get ready for the Messiah.  Soon a messenger was sent by God  to bring this good news  to Mary who was the cousin of Elizabeth. When Mary  was told the news that Elisabeth was having a baby she gained confidence and met the challenge and the blessing that the messenger had brought to her with confidence. The women soared with joy when they shared the news with each other. I can see that they were not only cousins, but very good friends too. Good friends rejoice with one another and share sorrows with one another.
     It was quite a different scene when Mary and Joseph were alone in the stable when Jesus was born. A messenger from Heaven came to announce the news to the shepherds nearby and when the message was delivered the sky filled with angels blessing God and giving Him the glory. The shepherds hurried to see the sight that the angel had described and found things just as they had been told. What a joy filled, glorious  visit that must have been. Mary and Joseph must have been so thankful that God was meeting every need, sending the messengers to proclaim the news of the Messiah even now at His birth and bringing friends to share the new birth with them.
      Mary and Joseph were confident that He would provide their needs, and as we walk each day with Him our needs will be  met. When  we face something that could bring fear, God will provide all that we need.
     Luke 2:13-14
"And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."                      

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Garden Promises

                     Garden Promises
Dear Friends,
     As soon as the winter rains start falling on the dry, rocky hills of Samaria tiny pink flowers spring up in random places giving a precious beauty to a land that has endured a hot, dry summer. They are like little promises of more rain to come that will fill the rivers and creeks with gushing torrents pouring down the hills.
     Hope for the rain is not just wishful thinking, but it's having a trust in our Mighty God for what He has promised to provide.
    Right now my garden is covered with a damp blanket of leaves, and the flowers are  bent with the heavy weight. The burden laden stems break and lay on the ground as if mourning the loss of the beauty of summer. The shepherd hooks are leaning over and the wind chimes seem to have a sorrowful sound as the cold wind brings a song that is more like a clanging in the brown bent garden.
    When I look at my past garden pictures I am promised  hope that this season won't last. The memories of the past years when blooms came back after a long, cold winter are like hopeful gifts. The basket of seeds that I gathered in the fall are full of promises of a brilliant color filled summer. A small piece of yard  becomes a
pretty cottage garden filled with color and texture after it has spent the winter under the cover of brown.  A pile of fabric scraps can be made into a beautiful crazy quilt, with random shaped pieces of fabric that are various colors and textures put together with unique detailing done in handwork.  We are promised that beauty will come from ashes, that we will be given oil of joy for mourning and a garment of praise for a spirit of heaviness. The wind chimes will sing a new song and we will have joy everlasting.    
   In Isaiah 61:3 we read these promises, "To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting  of the Lord, that He might be glorified."
 In Luke 4:18 Jesus spoke these promises, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised."

Monday, December 8, 2014

Buds, Blooms and His Breath

                Buds, Blooms and His Breath
Dear Friends,
     One of the most mysterious things in nature is the wind, the way it moves unseen from the hidden place of its origin. The hand of God paints movement in the atmosphere covering the earth.      Sometimes humans create images of wind by using a cloud with puffed out cheeks blowing a burst of wind from a round mouth, or as a swirl of colorful autumn leaves or a moving cloud of dust or sparkling snow. 
     Life was blown into humanity by the Spirit of God. Unseen movement like the breath of God created the heartbeat that made earth come alive with creatures great and small.
     I recently came across a quote from a book called, "Fruit-Gathering" by Tagore.  I think it is beautiful and wanted to share it here.  It speaks of God's powerful, but gentle breath creating beauty.

     "He who can open the bud
does so simply.
     He gives it a glance, and
the life-sap stirs through it veins.
     At his breath the flower
spreads its wings and flutters in
the wind.
     Colours flush out like 
heart-longings, the perfume
betrays a sweet secret.
     He who can open the bud
does it so simply."

     His creation and the beauty of it are reasons to be aware of Him, to praise and worship the One whose breath gives life.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Roots of a Tree

                            Roots of a Tree
Dear Friends,
     The garden space around our house is pretty small, especially the narrow side yard isn't big enough for a second tree.  Several years ago in the fall of the year  I noticed a very small, baby oak tree growing close to the fence and close to the maple tree. It was only about a foot tall, but it had several beautiful, glossy leaves that were bigger than my hand. They were sparkling with the morning dew in the bright morning sunlight. A squirrel must have dropped an acorn snack and it had taken root next to the fence.  I thought that the pretty, little tree needed a better location so I got the spade from the garden shed and started to dig up the tiny tree. I was surprised at the depth of the roots. I couldn't dig it up and didn't want to damage it or kill it attempting to move it, so I filled the hole back up and put the spade away. Today, it's a little  taller than the fence and seems to be determined to stay there, so there it stays, the strong little oak tree.
   I heard someone say that when a grape vine is planted in stony ground  the roots are forced to work harder, and grow deeper so that then the fruit is sweeter and the plant is stronger. It's not surprising that some of the best wine in the world comes from the rocky hills of Samaria in Israel.
   My thoughts today are about how God created plants with roots and the job of the roots is to find nourishment for the plant. He compares us to plants in His Word and wants us to learn from His creation.
Ephesians 3:17
"Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust him.  Your roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong."
Colossians 2:7
"Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him.  Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness."
     I am thankful for the beautiful ways God teaches us His desires for us, how much He loves us, that even in the roots buried under the ground He put lessons for us. It is so special, the simplicity of the roots of a tree and the truth of thankfulness.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Manna In The Desert

                       Manna In A Desert
Dear Friends,
     A cactus plant grows in Israel and in other desert areas that is called Sabra. It's prickly but has beautiful orange or yellow flowers bursting  from the tops of the leaves and sweet fruits grow after the flowers bloom. In Morocco they have used this plant for centuries to make a gorgeous, shiny silk fabric that is made into scarves. 
    The fruit and fabric that comes from this plant can symbolize God's provision during a wilderness season of life. God provided a way of protection for the Israelites during the night that all the firstborn of the Egyptians perished. He was with them when they came to the Red Sea and allowed them to pass through on dry ground and then the Sea closed on the Egyptians providing safety for His people. They saw mighty works with their own eyes. They ate the honey flavored manna when they were hungry and got water from a rock when they were thirsty.
    During wilderness times the thorns and rocky terrain can keep us from seeing the flowers and the fruit. Even in a desert testing time God has provision. 
Hebrews 3:14
"For if we are faithful to the end, trusting God just as firmly as when we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ."
2Corinthians 9:8
"And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others."
   Many times I need reminders of the faithfulness of God, gentle words to bring me back to trust and gratitude. Reading or listening to encouraging testimonies of how God was near to someone during a trial can help us gain new strength to endure and triumph in the desert.
Psalm 100:4
"Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name."
     I'm thankful for the prickly Sabra plant and the lessons we can learn from God's beautiful creation.

Thursday, November 13, 2014


Dear Friends,
     Since I started writing this blog a few people have asked me why I call it "Linen and Silk" so I thought I would write my thoughts about that to you in this letter. It's about "Becoming." Becoming who I am in God, His design.
     I heard a Bible teaching about linen fabric and it captured my attention and held my interest and since I enjoy flower gardens and the beauty that  butterflies bring to the garden, I made linen my fabric choice and decided on silk as the perfect fabric to go with it, both in what I wear and for the things I sew.
    I have had an interest in sewing and needlework since I was very small, cutting scraps of fabric and making simple clothes for my doll. It somehow seemed the perfect choice for me.
     I thought of how a caterpillar makes a cocoon and transforms into a butterfly and I made a picture out of Linen and Silk fabrics that included a butterfly from a paisley embroidery design on linen. That was the start of "Linen and Silk".
    A cocoon is made of silk fibers that are taken and through a tedious process are made into thread that is woven into the fabric that we call silk.  Silk fabric comes in several different forms from coarse, rough, unprocessed fabric that is covered with lots of little imperfections called "slubs," to the high gloss, shimmery silk that most people think of when they hear the word "silk." Lots of different textures of silk are in between the two extremes.
     Linen is made from the flax plant fibers and also goes through a complex process to make it into thread and is woven into the fabric. Linen also comes in a wide range of textures from thick, heavy and imperfect, covered with the little knots or slubs  as they are also called in linen, to a very highly processed, smooth,  sheer fabric.
    Both linen and silk are mentioned in Ezekiel, Proverbs and Revelation. 
    I was praying and wanted God to do a work in my life. I was at a point where I cried out to Him to show me the imperfections that He desired to touch and He showed me and continues to show me slubs that need to be remade. He is a master craftsman, a weaver of great skill and I am thankful for His skillful, compassionate hands. My prayer continues to be, "Take me, remake me, use me for Your glory."
Ephesians 2:10
    "For we are God's masterpiece.  He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago." 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Beauty Of God

                                 The Beauty Of God
Dear Friends,
     I had to decide on a picture for this blog post. How can a picture adequately express the beauty of God? It really can't come close.  I considered a picture of the empty tomb, which I really believe is  one of the greatest ways that Jesus shined His beauty! But when I read Luke 24:49, the last words of the risen  Jesus in the Gospel of Luke,  I knew it had to be this picture of the rainbow over Jerusalem. A beautiful picture of the promise of the Father!
     One of my favorite worship songs is "A Resting Place".  It expresses a great longing  for and the finding of rest and dependence on God alone. Finding this place is what He desires for us. Psalm 27:4 speaks of beholding the beauty of The Lord and seeking Him. He created the earth and all that we see and experience with our senses.
      Throughout each year as the seasons change we can find a resting place in Him.  From the brilliant, cloudless days of summer, to the freezing, gray months of winter He can be found. Psalm 27:4 "The one thing I ask of the Lord--the thing I seek the most- is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the 
Lord's perfections and meditating in His Temple."  Every creature will one day give blessing and honor and glory and power to Him who sits on the throne. The One on the throne is  described as glorious, brilliant as gemstones with a glow like an emerald rainbow circling the throne(Rev. 5:13). 
     The storms of this material world with the dark clouds and flashes of brilliant lightning and rolling, crashing thunder are demonstrations of God's majesty. The storms hold the message that can bring us back to delight in Him. 
     Revelation 4:11 is a sort of praise song expressing the worthiness of God and the pleasures He receives from His creation. "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou has created all things, and for thy pleasure they are created.  He desires that our pleasures be in Him." 
    Every day, in every season, in good times and in trials the rainbow of His promises is there.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Time In A Garden

                          Time In A Garden
Dear Friends,
     One thing that a garden requires is time.  Time to plan, to prepare the soil, plant seeds, time to wait for growth and time to pull weeds and time for harvest. Now that fall is here and winter seems to be racing to get here, my time in the garden is spent harvesting the last of the tomatoes, peppers and herbs.
   "The Secret Garden" by Frances Hodgson Burnett is a book that shows what can happen to a garden when left to itself for a number of years and how it can spring to life again when it is cared for.
     The young Mary Lennox who had been sent to live with her uncle in Yorkshire discovers a secret garden that has been locked up and the key hidden away for the past 10 years.  
    The story is full of surprises and beautiful transformations in both the people and in the garden. 
    God has a time for everything and if we experience a time where the garden is locked  for a period of time God knows and has His plans even if we don't see the beauty in it for a time. The spring will come in His time. That garden that is planted by Him won't be hidden or covered with debris forever.
     I am always thankful when I have the time to spend in the garden. In the fall I like to collect seeds and colorful dried ornamental grasses and lovely lavender flowers and sweet smelling herbs. Fresh herbs from my garden are nice to dry and use in the kitchen during the long, cold winter. When the house needs to be closed up against the cold weather it can be a comfort to have the scent of simmering pasta sauce made with the basil, oregano and parsley from my garden. These are small reminders to me that cold weather won't last forever and my garden will bloom again.
     Ecclesiastes 3 is the well know chapter about time.  The times are all in God's mind.  Verse 1 says that "to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose." This letter is a reminder of His faithfulness even when things aren't blooming.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Doves In A Garden

                                                           Doves In A Garden
Dear Friends,
     Doves are such quiet, peaceful birds.  In my garden I will see them either perched on a low branch of the maple tree, or napping  quietly in a shady spot. When they are hungry they enjoy the weed seeds that I can never seem to keep from multiplying in the summer. Sometimes I accidentally frighten them because they are so still and quiet and I don't see them until in fright they fly off in a group with a whirling sound of their wings. It is such a unique sound, not like anything else I can compare it to. The only other sound  they make is the soft cooing conversations they have with each other.
     Seeing the little doves reminds me of the doves my dad had in a small aviary attached to the shed in the back yard. He would open the door of the cage in the morning and the doves would enjoy the yard and sit on my dad's shoulder or hand. They would return to the aviary when the sun was setting.
     Doves are an important bird in the Bible and I'm always glad when they visit my garden. We see Noah take a dove in his hand and let it fly to look for dry land. The little dove trusted Noah and returned to his hand in the evening.
     The dove mentioned at the baptism of Jesus is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. It's so beautiful that God chose a dove that is quiet and gentle, not like a hawk. The word for Holy Spirit is the same word for wind, which indicates strength, direction and purpose. 
   Imagine the sky opening as Jesus comes up out of the water and the beautiful dove rests on His shoulder, His strong shoulder that carried the cross. His shoulders are also the place in the story of the lost sheep where the shepherd placed the sheep when it was found. 
Luke 15: 5
     "And when he has found it, he will joyfully carry it home on his shoulders."
    So when we see a little dove we can think of the strong shoulders of our Messiah Jesus.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Praise Like a Garden

                       Praise Like A Garden
Dear Friends,
     The colder weather is approaching and my garden only has a few things in bloom now.  The rounded mounds of spicy scented fall flowers with their bold tangerine orange and lemon yellow are some of the last colors braving the chill air. I'm so thankful for the colors of autumn all around me. The brilliant colored leaves are everywhere right now and on sunny days the hillsides seem to glow like gold. The brightest time of color only lasts  for a short time, then the trees will be dark and empty until the snow covers the branches.
     We have so many things to praise God for.  So many blessings come in praising and thankfulness.  Praise brings growth to the garden of our hearts. I desire for this garden to grow and bloom even during the months that the garden outside is resting.
     Isaiah 61:11 says this in a beautiful way.
     "The Sovereign Lord will show His justice to the nations of the world. Everyone will praise Him! His righteousness will be like a garden in early spring, with plants springing up everywhere."
     Prayer and praise does change things. The changes start inside of us and then around us. 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Caterpillar In My Garden

                    Caterpillar In My Garden
Dear Friends,
     One day this summer I found this caterpillar eating a sweet, feathery fennel plant in my garden. It was okay, I really didn't mind sharing and he was really hungry like in the children's book about the hungry caterpillar. To think that it would someday have wings and that a part of my garden would contribute to the life cycle of the caterpillar was sort of comforting. 
    Changes and transformations are continual in a garden. The caterpillar needs food to live and to eventually transform. The right food is essential for the process. 
     In Romans 12:2  we are told to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.  The change God requires starts on the inside.  We cannot transform ourselves any more than the caterpillar can transform its self.  Since we live in a material world we are surrounded by material things and we have choices like the little caterpillar in my garden had choices of what to eat. God will change us as we yield to Him. It is a life long process. As we daily seek the Lord in prayer and the Word He will do the transforming. 
    2 Corinthians 5:17-18 "anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person.  The old life is gone; a new life has begun. And all of this is a gift from God, who brought us back to Himself through Christ..."

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Treasure In A Garden

                                               Treasure In A Garden
Dear Friends,
     Throughout history people have been intrigued by hidden treasure. Sometimes a great treasure is discovered that makes the finder very wealthy. Those stories have led people to leave their homes and families to seek a fortune in a lost or hidden treasure sometimes at a great risk to their lives. We have all heard of these kind of stories from The California Gold Rush and the Ship of Gold in which people found treasure and sometimes didn't. Hidden maps can be found that lead people on a treasure hunt through a wild jungle where they encounter snakes and quicksand.
    Sometimes a treasure is discovered by accident during the building of a new structure or during the renovation of an old building. During the plowing of a field or digging a garden lost things have been found.  I have heard of treasure being found inside a framed picture, inside a long forgotten coffee can and inside walls.
   There is another kind of treasure. No risks are involved in seeking it. The Bible talks about seeking treasure. Proverbs 2:1-5 is about seeking wisdom and understanding in the Word as if seeking silver and hidden treasure. Psalms 119:162 says, "I rejoice in your Word like one who discovers a great treasure." Deuteronomy 4:29 holds a promise that if we seek The Lord with all our heart and soul we will find Him. 
    A beautiful verse that describes how this treasure changes us for God's glory is 2 Corinthians 4:7, " We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure." God sees fragile clay jars as being the perfect containers for His Light. Our life jars that have been cracked and chipped can have His glorious light shine out of them to show the world a great treasure. All the glory is His!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

A Peter Rabbit Garden

                      A Peter Rabbit Garden
Dear Friends,
     When I was a little girl the two elderly sisters who lived in the tidy brick house next door had a beautiful garden. Their names were Mary and Martha.  They always wore their hair in tight buns and wore aprons over their dresses and wide brimmed straw hats to shade their faces from the sun while they worked in the garden.
     I remember their garden as a sort of Peter Rabbit garden, although they were nothing like the angry Mr. McGregor in the Peter Rabbit tales.
    In the grassy center of the garden they had a swing that two people could sit on and it squeaked as it moved back and forth.  Just a little distance in front of the swing was a lovely circular flower bed with a shiny, blue gazing ball and a bird bath surrounded by bright red and pink roses and yellow snap dragons.  I would sit on the cool grass and play with the snap dragons, making their mouths snap, snap and make sunny faces at myself in the gazing ball.  My reflection would take on strange shapes if I moved back away from it and then I would come close again to make the reflection make me look blown up like a balloon.
    One summer day when Mary and Martha were in the garden they found a nest of bunnies in the grass. The mother rabbit had been killed somehow and they sought out neighbor children to adopt the helpless bunnies.
    Mary and Martha were always kind, never chasing the children from their lovely refuge. Like the gazing ball reflected the things around it, they were reflections of the love of Jesus, bringing His love to the people around them.
   We sometimes struggle with thoughts and memories that trouble us. I have seen how remembering things like those days in Mary and Martha's garden, things that can make you smile and bring joy is such a good thing. a necessary thing. I can understand why the Bible has a verse about our thoughts and how they influence our speech.
Psalms 19:14
"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight my Rock and my Redeemer."
And Philippians 4:8-9 remind us to think on good things,  "and the God of peace shall be with you."

Saturday, September 20, 2014

A Time For Seeds

                                                         A Time For Seeds

Dear Friends,
     The spring and summer have their own special beauty of new growth and glorious colors.  This time of year when the season changes from summer to autumn is like a hope filled diary.
     Each type of flower and herb seems to be showing off like little children trying to get attention and not wanting to be the last to be noticed and certainly not wanting to be forgotten. The last blooms that they are able to produce are often the brightest color and stand out in solitude among the foliage on the stems and vines that are slowly turning brown and brittle.  Changes are coming again to my garden and I try not to be sad as I say good bye to the colorful summer flowers that have brought the wrens and butterflies all summer.
   As these last flowers burst out in their exciting rainbow of colors they are being replaced by tiny gift packages.  The seed pods cling to the stems in such abundance and complexity. The shapes and textures of each kind of seed pod and the way that the seeds are each perfectly formed and arranged inside the pods is a reminder to us of our intricate, creative God and how He wants us to have hope, something to look forward to as we go into the cold season.  He wants to bless us with a kind of beauty in  the world around us that changes with the seasons.
    A garden contains a kind of beauty that is always a surprise package.  It surprises us in the spring when the first delicate purple crocus appears in the snow.  It surprises us in the summer when the lily plant shoots tall stems out of the ground and bursts into bloom in the place where its leaves had withered. The early autumn blesses us with the beauty of the seeds that will carry us through the cold of winter, their presence giving memories of past beauty and hope for the future. 
      Like a diary is filled with hopes and dreams, God blesses us with His Word to give us Hope that the seeds will grow and beauty will come in the season He has planned.
Hebrews 11:1
     "Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see."

Friday, September 12, 2014

Wings of God

                                                                  Wings of God
Dear Friends,
     I love watching the colorful birds that come to my garden. They come to eat the abundant seeds of the flowers.  The gold finches especially enjoy the purple cone flowers and the sunflowers. The tiny wrens with their shrill  songs nest in the little blue house that is hanging in the forest of sunflowers. Their beautiful songs fill the air as they greet each other.
     Sometimes when I pray I will have a thought come to me that is a kind of picture that relates in some way to the prayer that is pouring out of my heart. This mental image will have a message in it that can be found in the Word.  
     Recently when I was praying for a friend, I could "see" a bird with wings outstretched and my friend was underneath the wings. A stormy wind was raging and the bird provided a safe refuge from the danger of the storm. The sound of the wind was roaring as it streamed through the feathers of protection. The storm couldn't harm my friend. The soft feathers of protection gave comfort and a place of peace, a shield from the storm.
     I know of several places in the Bible that it speaks of the wings of God. and how they are a place that we can place our trust. One of my favorites is Psalms 91: 4, "He shall cover thee with His feathers, and under His wings shalt thou trust: His truth shall be thy shield and buckler." Psalms 57:1 says that, "in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be over past." We can see how the strong wings of God are a safety zone during times of fear or danger.
     In Psalms 17:8 we see a plea, "hide me under the shadow of Thy wings." In Psalm 63:7 we learn that the shadow of His wings is a place to rejoice. We can also find healing in that place, Malachi 4:2.
     It's a beautiful thing to know that God is ready to offer a place of safety, joy and healing for us and that He loves us so much that He uses the wings of a bird to describe this place.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Light For A Garden

                                               Light In The Garden
Dear Friends,
     Plants need sunlight as much as they need rain. I have trouble growing vegetables in my garden. Someone told me recently that it's because there isn't enough light in my yard. That explained it, and I'm content with my flowers and herbs, and I'm thankful for a neighbor who frequently brings boxes of beautiful, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers to my door.
     The change from day to night, and back again, have an interesting effect on some flowers. Some blooms open in the dewy dawn of new morning light, and close, as if to sleep, when the sun starts to sink in the distance. The petals of the blue flax that have been dancing in the summer breeze all day drop to the ground in the evening, and new, sky blue blossoms open in the morning. The light of each new morning seems to bring fresh, new life to the garden. 
   The Bible speaks about light quite a bit.  In James 1:17, it says, "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights,..". In John 9:5 Jesus said,"As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world." He said this right before He healed a blind man. In Romans 13:12 we are told to, "put on the armour of light." When we have that light put on, we can be the light of the world spoken of in Matthew 5:14. The strength and protection of the Savior will be with us as we live each day, touching lives around us, being a light in darkness.
Psalm 36:9 
     "For with thee is the fountain of life: in thy light shall we see light."

Monday, September 1, 2014

Garden Prayers

                                                         Garden Prayers
Dear Friends,
     This past week my garden has been vibrant with color and life. Gold Finches are feasting on the sun flower seeds from branches that are bending, bowing heads. The colors of the birds and flowers blend together disguising the birds until they fly together in a bright yellow cloud. The late summer flowers are opening up, giving hope for a beautiful autumn. 
     My thoughts and prayer meditations focus on garden prayers. In the gospels we read that Jesus would go to a garden to pray. He must have had a love for  gardens to choose that for his prayer closet. His friends knew that He loved gardens and they chose to bury Him in a tomb in a garden.  After He rose the third day, He was seen in this beautiful garden.
     An olive garden in  the ancient city of Jerusalem is a gorgeous sight, flowering, bursting with color,  and perfume in the air. The trees provide shelter and protection for wildlife, nectar for the bees, and fruit that will provide oil for cooking, for giving light, and for ceremonial anointing. Olives and their leaves are a symbol of peace and the oil a symbol of the Holy Spirit. I can understand why Jesus wanted to pray there.
     It was springtime when Jesus went to the garden and poured His heart out in  prayer. He was so full of sorrow that He said in Matthew 26 verse 38, "My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even unto death", and in verse 39 it says that He "fell on His face and prayed". He knew that a monumental event was about to take place. His prayers were answered and He gained strength. When Judas came with the crowd of soldiers and betrayed Him with a kiss, Peter lashed out in anger with his sword. Jesus responded with compassion and healed the wounded man. Prayers, sorrow, betrayal, violence, compassionate healing and sacrificial love were all displayed in this beautiful olive garden in the springtime in Jerusalem.
   I'm feeling thankful for freedom to live and believe in a mighty, compassionate Savior. My prayers today are for Christians around the world who are suffering unimaginable persecution. I pray for their rescue, their freedom and for their healing. A garden can be a place for prayer, for healing and a place for Resurrection.
Ephesians 6:18
"Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints."

Sunday, August 24, 2014

A Child's Place

                                                            A Child's Place

   Dear Friends,
       Growing children and gardening have some similarities.  As children are all unique and their needs and interests, and talents, and capabilities differ from one another so do gardens and gardeners differ.
      Some gardens need strong, powerful plows for the miles of rows of corn that need planting to feed the world, some only need a simple hoe to remove a weed from a bed of parsley.
     Some gardeners need to wear protective overalls, boots and gloves for the endless hours tending the fields.  Some gardeners wear linen and silk and like to feel the earth with their hands and feet as they pull a weed or pick a flower. They might  spend relaxful days in the butterfly garden sipping lemonade and watching children explore the garden for secrets, finding warty toads, colorful caterpillars and butterflies, and experiencing the taste of fresh mint and strawberries, warm from the sun.
    Gardens provide a place to grow not only plants, but imagination, creativity and wonder for God's creation.
Matthew 19: 3
"But Jesus said,"Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven."

A Wellspring In A Desert

                                          A Wellspring In A Desert
Dear Friends,
    The abundant rainfall in my midwest town, contrasts greatly with the dry, barren landscape of the hills of Samaria. Everything around me is lush, green and flowering. 
    During the time of Jesus, carrying water from the central well for the needs of their families was a time consuming, difficult task. In the rocky, dusty land around Samaria doing this work to relieve thirst for themselves and their animals, was an important part of every day.
     I think that Jesus knew that this was the perfect setting to tell the message of His living water.  It was a place where water was a major focus, where the dependence on the well was of great importance. There were no nearby rivers or streams, no waterfalls or ponds or creeks for the people or animals to go for refreshment.
    The source for the water in the well was hidden from view and the well was deep. He chose to come to the well when a woman was there alone. Possibly an outcast in that society. 
    He chose to ask for a drink, even though He didn't have a vessel, and then He proceeded to tell her about a different kind of water, the gift of His Living water. (John 4: 10)
    She knew what it meant to thirst and she knew how important it was to have a vessel to hold the water. She knew about broken vessels. He spoke of a kind of water that can quench every thirst. It can mend every cracked and broken vessel. This living water will cleanse every dirty, contaminated jar that is dipped into the ever flowing freshness.
    This woman understood and accepted the message, and leaving her jar, went into the city to proclaim the good news. (John 4:28) When we find a wellspring in a desert, He wants us to overflow, and bring others to the Source.
Revelation 21:6b
"I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely."
Revelation 22:17
"And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely."


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Water For A Garden

                                    Water For A Garden
Dear Friends,
     Often a garden will have a focal point that has some kind of water source.  This can be anything from a small  bubbling fountain to a thundering waterfall.  People of all ages are captivated by ponds and streams, fountains waterfalls.  Children enjoy seeing their reflections in the water and watching the goldfish and silvery minnows skimming through the cool water.  Being near water has a calming affect on the mind.  The sounds of gurgling streams and the sight of shimmering water can be restful and healing.  
    If, when you are on a hike and beginning to feel worn and thirsty, and your feet are tired or even blistered, you come upon a stream, a sudden excitement comes over you with a  feeling of joy, knowing that refreshment and ease of pain and rest for the body and soul is near.  With the coolness in our hands and refreshment with our mouths we are suddenly renewed, able to go on.
    Like the roots of plants seek the source of  life giving water, so we need to constantly seek the Source of all strength.

John 4:14
   "But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life."

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A Garden's Storms

                                                        A Garden's Storms
 Dear Friends,
     This summer has been more rainy than usual, with a couple of storms every week. Lots of rain in my flower garden brings lots of growth, growth of flowers, and unwanted weeds.  When it's stormy outside I don't get the hoe out, but spend the time inside, so that means things in my garden are stormy, like the weather. Since I didn't spend as much time tending the unwanted things that started taking over my garden, things have gotten somewhat out of control for now. More Morning Glories came up in a lot more places than I wanted.  I really love them, but they are overtaking the herbs and the trellis that is meant for the Passion Vine has been enveloped in the heart shaped leaves and bright morning blooms. 
     The  world around us is full of news that is full of chaos , turmoil and pain every day. The past few months have been so full of terror world wide that it could be a time for a lot of anxiety, sorrow, fears, and thoughts that draw people away from the Peace of Jesus.
     From the Word we learn that Jesus knew grief and sorrow.  He had tears.  He was authentic, allowed his emotions to show.  He was full of compassion for all the hurting people around Him, and He still is today. He can use us to be His Voice and His hands to reach out to those in need. When Jesus was on earth He touched, healed, comforted and fed the needy.  He broke bread with them and for them, bringing miracles from broken bread.
     After the sky was broken, bringing the flood during Noah's time, God put a raiinbow in the sky as a promise and sign of Hope. A miracle came after the  brokeness of loss and destructuction. 
     During this intense time of  brokeness all around us, we can be His voice, we can be His hands.

Psalms 3:3
"But Thou, O Lord art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head."

Thursday, August 7, 2014

A Garden's Reflections

                                               A Garden's Reflections

Dear Friends,
     A golden globe placed among the garden blooms reflects the sun's brilliance and the rainbow of colors surrounding it.  In the night-time garden, just a sparkle from the sliver of silver moon reflects and magnifies the glow in the golden globe.
     A lioness's amber colored eyes capture a spark of light from a tiny glimmer of a star, allowing clear vision in an immense jungle, keeping her safe and leading her to the prey that will feed her young.
     Reflections are like memories of special moments that can give peace during difficulty and hope for the future, for healing and mending in every area of our lives. Reflections are needed to give nourishment.
     Our lives are reflections of Him, to those around us.  We are His hands and feet, His voice of Hope in a dark world.  We are made in His image to be a reflection of His character.
Philippians 4:8
"Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."
Isaiah 6:3
"Holy, holy, holy is The Lord, God of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory."

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

A Garden's Praise

A Garden's Praise

Dear Friends,

This morning the sunflowers seem to be smiling and dancing as the warm, sunny breeze tosses the golden heads to and fro.  The long, slender stems with heart shaped leaves, wave in praise to the Creator. The moon shaped faces, crowned with golden wreaths, turns toward the sun, graceful, bowing in worship.
    Honeybees and butterflies join the dance, humming as the wind sings through the garden. The Goldfinches snack on the seeds willingly offered by the upturned faces.  The seeds, give life and nourishment, some eaten, some blown and dropping. 
    The garden's cycle leaves life giving seed packages that will be buried under golden leaves and mountains of sparkling snow, resting until the warming sun brings melting, rotting and broken. Then the stems break out, bringing more dancers to the garden.

Isaiah 55:12

For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace; the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Garden Gifts

                                                                 Garden Gifts
Dear Friends,
     My little cottage garden is filled with brilliant colors and fragrant scents floating in the heavy, humid heat of our midwest yard.
     Some of my plants are memory flowers, gifted to me from friends or relatives.  Each flower and herb gives its  own gifts as I walk through the towering sunflowers.  Each day is a treasure hunt.  The purple basil and curly parsley are hidden under the heavy tomato vines.  The Morning Glories are twining up those sunny towers, showing off their sparkling royalty in the early morning dewy mist.  The ancient, rough hewn wren houses are hidden in the heart shaped leaves and the wrens are singing their melodies from a hiding place in the tangle of clematis on the fence nearby.
     Plants can be memories, gift seeds of friendships, still growing and reseeding and being gifted time and again, making more memories and more treasure to be found among the branches and leafy vines, hiding places for wrens and beetles, treasures to be found. Garden gifts of songs, and blooms, earthy scents and  herbal sachets. Gifts from God.

Psalms 145: 1-3
" I will extol thee, my God, O King; I will bless thy name for ever and ever.
Every day will I bless thee; and I will praise thy name for ever and ever.
Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and His greatness is unsearchable."

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Broken To Beautiful: A Garden Story

Dear Friends,
     Sometimes when I read something or see something and somehow it fits in with a Bible study I am doing, I am so amazed and thankful for the way that God draws me to Himself and teaches me over and over, more intricate details of the message that He wants me to learn.
    This week I read about and researched about a garden called The Butchart Gardens. The thing about this garden that jumped out to me is how it was originally a huge gaping hole left after the limestone was quarried out of the property. The sensitive, artistic wife of the quarry owner had a vision to create beauty from this eyesore, and thus started her immense project with a row of Poplar and Plum trees, and some Sweet Pea Flower seeds. It took many years of labor, but stands today, over 100 years later, as one of the top 10 gardens in the world, and is visited by nearly one million people every year. 
    From an empty, rocky hole  came a place where people can visit and return to their homes with a fragrant, enduring image of floral beauty.
Isaiah 51:1-3
"Hearken to Me, ye that follow after righteousness, that ye seek The Lord: look unto the Rock whence ye are hewn, and the hole of the pit whence ye are digged.  Look unto Abraham your father, and unto Sarah that bare you: for I called him alone, and blessed him and increased him.  For The Lord  shall comfort Zion: He will comfort all her waste places: and He will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of The Lord; joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and a voice of melody."

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

My Garden Fence

Dear Friends, 
My garden can be a sweet place of meditation including praise and thanksgiving, prayer and quiet listening.
Today He seemed to be speaking through the wild tangle of sweet pea vines and honey scented honeysuckle that are clambering up, over, and all around the old wire fence. The vines seem to be seeking and gaining freedom from the chains of the fence.
My prayer and heart cry has been for Saeed Abedini to be released from the prison that holds him captive in Iran  for his faith in Jesus.
Like my flowers bring beauty to the ugly chain link fence, Saeed brings the beauty of his faith and hope in Jesus to the other prisoners who are also in that ugly place of filth, disease, and torture.
One of the prisoners who has found new life in Jesus from Saeed's testimony, is said to say that he no longer feels imprisoned.
Isaiah 61:1
"The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because The Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings to the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound"

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Garden Letter


                           July 5, 2014
Dear Friends,
As I sit here this evening in my "Happy Room" which is the name given this room, by a good friend, I am looking out the window to my little cottage garden.  A gentle rain is nourishing and bathing the garden and the wrens are sleeping in the cozy bird house, after a hectic day of filling the mouths of their young.
As the garden is fed by the rain, we are able to be nourished by His Word.  The seed needs to be broken when life emerges, and that life breaks the earth to burst into bloom.  His Great Love can be like the rain to bring something beautiful out of the broken earthen vessels of our lives.
Isaiah 61: 11 says, "For as the earth bringeth forth her bud, and as the garden causeth the things that are sown in it to spring forth; so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before  all the nations."