Friday, September 12, 2014

Wings of God

                                                                  Wings of God
Dear Friends,
     I love watching the colorful birds that come to my garden. They come to eat the abundant seeds of the flowers.  The gold finches especially enjoy the purple cone flowers and the sunflowers. The tiny wrens with their shrill  songs nest in the little blue house that is hanging in the forest of sunflowers. Their beautiful songs fill the air as they greet each other.
     Sometimes when I pray I will have a thought come to me that is a kind of picture that relates in some way to the prayer that is pouring out of my heart. This mental image will have a message in it that can be found in the Word.  
     Recently when I was praying for a friend, I could "see" a bird with wings outstretched and my friend was underneath the wings. A stormy wind was raging and the bird provided a safe refuge from the danger of the storm. The sound of the wind was roaring as it streamed through the feathers of protection. The storm couldn't harm my friend. The soft feathers of protection gave comfort and a place of peace, a shield from the storm.
     I know of several places in the Bible that it speaks of the wings of God. and how they are a place that we can place our trust. One of my favorites is Psalms 91: 4, "He shall cover thee with His feathers, and under His wings shalt thou trust: His truth shall be thy shield and buckler." Psalms 57:1 says that, "in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be over past." We can see how the strong wings of God are a safety zone during times of fear or danger.
     In Psalms 17:8 we see a plea, "hide me under the shadow of Thy wings." In Psalm 63:7 we learn that the shadow of His wings is a place to rejoice. We can also find healing in that place, Malachi 4:2.
     It's a beautiful thing to know that God is ready to offer a place of safety, joy and healing for us and that He loves us so much that He uses the wings of a bird to describe this place.

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