Saturday, September 20, 2014

A Time For Seeds

                                                         A Time For Seeds

Dear Friends,
     The spring and summer have their own special beauty of new growth and glorious colors.  This time of year when the season changes from summer to autumn is like a hope filled diary.
     Each type of flower and herb seems to be showing off like little children trying to get attention and not wanting to be the last to be noticed and certainly not wanting to be forgotten. The last blooms that they are able to produce are often the brightest color and stand out in solitude among the foliage on the stems and vines that are slowly turning brown and brittle.  Changes are coming again to my garden and I try not to be sad as I say good bye to the colorful summer flowers that have brought the wrens and butterflies all summer.
   As these last flowers burst out in their exciting rainbow of colors they are being replaced by tiny gift packages.  The seed pods cling to the stems in such abundance and complexity. The shapes and textures of each kind of seed pod and the way that the seeds are each perfectly formed and arranged inside the pods is a reminder to us of our intricate, creative God and how He wants us to have hope, something to look forward to as we go into the cold season.  He wants to bless us with a kind of beauty in  the world around us that changes with the seasons.
    A garden contains a kind of beauty that is always a surprise package.  It surprises us in the spring when the first delicate purple crocus appears in the snow.  It surprises us in the summer when the lily plant shoots tall stems out of the ground and bursts into bloom in the place where its leaves had withered. The early autumn blesses us with the beauty of the seeds that will carry us through the cold of winter, their presence giving memories of past beauty and hope for the future. 
      Like a diary is filled with hopes and dreams, God blesses us with His Word to give us Hope that the seeds will grow and beauty will come in the season He has planned.
Hebrews 11:1
     "Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see."

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