Sunday, September 7, 2014

Light For A Garden

                                               Light In The Garden
Dear Friends,
     Plants need sunlight as much as they need rain. I have trouble growing vegetables in my garden. Someone told me recently that it's because there isn't enough light in my yard. That explained it, and I'm content with my flowers and herbs, and I'm thankful for a neighbor who frequently brings boxes of beautiful, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers to my door.
     The change from day to night, and back again, have an interesting effect on some flowers. Some blooms open in the dewy dawn of new morning light, and close, as if to sleep, when the sun starts to sink in the distance. The petals of the blue flax that have been dancing in the summer breeze all day drop to the ground in the evening, and new, sky blue blossoms open in the morning. The light of each new morning seems to bring fresh, new life to the garden. 
   The Bible speaks about light quite a bit.  In James 1:17, it says, "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights,..". In John 9:5 Jesus said,"As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world." He said this right before He healed a blind man. In Romans 13:12 we are told to, "put on the armour of light." When we have that light put on, we can be the light of the world spoken of in Matthew 5:14. The strength and protection of the Savior will be with us as we live each day, touching lives around us, being a light in darkness.
Psalm 36:9 
     "For with thee is the fountain of life: in thy light shall we see light."

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