Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Messengers and The Message

                                           Messengers and the Message
Dear Friends,
     Before the birth of the Savior some important messengers were sent to bring the message of comfort and joy. First an angel came to Zacharias  with the message that his wife Elisabeth would bear a son that would bring them joy and gladness. The angel told of the message that this child would bring to people, to help them get ready for the Messiah.  Soon a messenger was sent by God  to bring this good news  to Mary who was the cousin of Elizabeth. When Mary  was told the news that Elisabeth was having a baby she gained confidence and met the challenge and the blessing that the messenger had brought to her with confidence. The women soared with joy when they shared the news with each other. I can see that they were not only cousins, but very good friends too. Good friends rejoice with one another and share sorrows with one another.
     It was quite a different scene when Mary and Joseph were alone in the stable when Jesus was born. A messenger from Heaven came to announce the news to the shepherds nearby and when the message was delivered the sky filled with angels blessing God and giving Him the glory. The shepherds hurried to see the sight that the angel had described and found things just as they had been told. What a joy filled, glorious  visit that must have been. Mary and Joseph must have been so thankful that God was meeting every need, sending the messengers to proclaim the news of the Messiah even now at His birth and bringing friends to share the new birth with them.
      Mary and Joseph were confident that He would provide their needs, and as we walk each day with Him our needs will be  met. When  we face something that could bring fear, God will provide all that we need.
     Luke 2:13-14
"And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."                      

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