Sunday, August 24, 2014

A Child's Place

                                                            A Child's Place

   Dear Friends,
       Growing children and gardening have some similarities.  As children are all unique and their needs and interests, and talents, and capabilities differ from one another so do gardens and gardeners differ.
      Some gardens need strong, powerful plows for the miles of rows of corn that need planting to feed the world, some only need a simple hoe to remove a weed from a bed of parsley.
     Some gardeners need to wear protective overalls, boots and gloves for the endless hours tending the fields.  Some gardeners wear linen and silk and like to feel the earth with their hands and feet as they pull a weed or pick a flower. They might  spend relaxful days in the butterfly garden sipping lemonade and watching children explore the garden for secrets, finding warty toads, colorful caterpillars and butterflies, and experiencing the taste of fresh mint and strawberries, warm from the sun.
    Gardens provide a place to grow not only plants, but imagination, creativity and wonder for God's creation.
Matthew 19: 3
"But Jesus said,"Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven."

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