Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A Garden's Storms

                                                        A Garden's Storms
 Dear Friends,
     This summer has been more rainy than usual, with a couple of storms every week. Lots of rain in my flower garden brings lots of growth, growth of flowers, and unwanted weeds.  When it's stormy outside I don't get the hoe out, but spend the time inside, so that means things in my garden are stormy, like the weather. Since I didn't spend as much time tending the unwanted things that started taking over my garden, things have gotten somewhat out of control for now. More Morning Glories came up in a lot more places than I wanted.  I really love them, but they are overtaking the herbs and the trellis that is meant for the Passion Vine has been enveloped in the heart shaped leaves and bright morning blooms. 
     The  world around us is full of news that is full of chaos , turmoil and pain every day. The past few months have been so full of terror world wide that it could be a time for a lot of anxiety, sorrow, fears, and thoughts that draw people away from the Peace of Jesus.
     From the Word we learn that Jesus knew grief and sorrow.  He had tears.  He was authentic, allowed his emotions to show.  He was full of compassion for all the hurting people around Him, and He still is today. He can use us to be His Voice and His hands to reach out to those in need. When Jesus was on earth He touched, healed, comforted and fed the needy.  He broke bread with them and for them, bringing miracles from broken bread.
     After the sky was broken, bringing the flood during Noah's time, God put a raiinbow in the sky as a promise and sign of Hope. A miracle came after the  brokeness of loss and destructuction. 
     During this intense time of  brokeness all around us, we can be His voice, we can be His hands.

Psalms 3:3
"But Thou, O Lord art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head."

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