Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Water For A Garden

                                    Water For A Garden
Dear Friends,
     Often a garden will have a focal point that has some kind of water source.  This can be anything from a small  bubbling fountain to a thundering waterfall.  People of all ages are captivated by ponds and streams, fountains waterfalls.  Children enjoy seeing their reflections in the water and watching the goldfish and silvery minnows skimming through the cool water.  Being near water has a calming affect on the mind.  The sounds of gurgling streams and the sight of shimmering water can be restful and healing.  
    If, when you are on a hike and beginning to feel worn and thirsty, and your feet are tired or even blistered, you come upon a stream, a sudden excitement comes over you with a  feeling of joy, knowing that refreshment and ease of pain and rest for the body and soul is near.  With the coolness in our hands and refreshment with our mouths we are suddenly renewed, able to go on.
    Like the roots of plants seek the source of  life giving water, so we need to constantly seek the Source of all strength.

John 4:14
   "But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life."