Sunday, August 24, 2014

A Wellspring In A Desert

                                          A Wellspring In A Desert
Dear Friends,
    The abundant rainfall in my midwest town, contrasts greatly with the dry, barren landscape of the hills of Samaria. Everything around me is lush, green and flowering. 
    During the time of Jesus, carrying water from the central well for the needs of their families was a time consuming, difficult task. In the rocky, dusty land around Samaria doing this work to relieve thirst for themselves and their animals, was an important part of every day.
     I think that Jesus knew that this was the perfect setting to tell the message of His living water.  It was a place where water was a major focus, where the dependence on the well was of great importance. There were no nearby rivers or streams, no waterfalls or ponds or creeks for the people or animals to go for refreshment.
    The source for the water in the well was hidden from view and the well was deep. He chose to come to the well when a woman was there alone. Possibly an outcast in that society. 
    He chose to ask for a drink, even though He didn't have a vessel, and then He proceeded to tell her about a different kind of water, the gift of His Living water. (John 4: 10)
    She knew what it meant to thirst and she knew how important it was to have a vessel to hold the water. She knew about broken vessels. He spoke of a kind of water that can quench every thirst. It can mend every cracked and broken vessel. This living water will cleanse every dirty, contaminated jar that is dipped into the ever flowing freshness.
    This woman understood and accepted the message, and leaving her jar, went into the city to proclaim the good news. (John 4:28) When we find a wellspring in a desert, He wants us to overflow, and bring others to the Source.
Revelation 21:6b
"I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely."
Revelation 22:17
"And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely."


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