Saturday, November 29, 2014

Roots of a Tree

                            Roots of a Tree
Dear Friends,
     The garden space around our house is pretty small, especially the narrow side yard isn't big enough for a second tree.  Several years ago in the fall of the year  I noticed a very small, baby oak tree growing close to the fence and close to the maple tree. It was only about a foot tall, but it had several beautiful, glossy leaves that were bigger than my hand. They were sparkling with the morning dew in the bright morning sunlight. A squirrel must have dropped an acorn snack and it had taken root next to the fence.  I thought that the pretty, little tree needed a better location so I got the spade from the garden shed and started to dig up the tiny tree. I was surprised at the depth of the roots. I couldn't dig it up and didn't want to damage it or kill it attempting to move it, so I filled the hole back up and put the spade away. Today, it's a little  taller than the fence and seems to be determined to stay there, so there it stays, the strong little oak tree.
   I heard someone say that when a grape vine is planted in stony ground  the roots are forced to work harder, and grow deeper so that then the fruit is sweeter and the plant is stronger. It's not surprising that some of the best wine in the world comes from the rocky hills of Samaria in Israel.
   My thoughts today are about how God created plants with roots and the job of the roots is to find nourishment for the plant. He compares us to plants in His Word and wants us to learn from His creation.
Ephesians 3:17
"Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust him.  Your roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong."
Colossians 2:7
"Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him.  Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness."
     I am thankful for the beautiful ways God teaches us His desires for us, how much He loves us, that even in the roots buried under the ground He put lessons for us. It is so special, the simplicity of the roots of a tree and the truth of thankfulness.

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