Thursday, November 13, 2014


Dear Friends,
     Since I started writing this blog a few people have asked me why I call it "Linen and Silk" so I thought I would write my thoughts about that to you in this letter. It's about "Becoming." Becoming who I am in God, His design.
     I heard a Bible teaching about linen fabric and it captured my attention and held my interest and since I enjoy flower gardens and the beauty that  butterflies bring to the garden, I made linen my fabric choice and decided on silk as the perfect fabric to go with it, both in what I wear and for the things I sew.
    I have had an interest in sewing and needlework since I was very small, cutting scraps of fabric and making simple clothes for my doll. It somehow seemed the perfect choice for me.
     I thought of how a caterpillar makes a cocoon and transforms into a butterfly and I made a picture out of Linen and Silk fabrics that included a butterfly from a paisley embroidery design on linen. That was the start of "Linen and Silk".
    A cocoon is made of silk fibers that are taken and through a tedious process are made into thread that is woven into the fabric that we call silk.  Silk fabric comes in several different forms from coarse, rough, unprocessed fabric that is covered with lots of little imperfections called "slubs," to the high gloss, shimmery silk that most people think of when they hear the word "silk." Lots of different textures of silk are in between the two extremes.
     Linen is made from the flax plant fibers and also goes through a complex process to make it into thread and is woven into the fabric. Linen also comes in a wide range of textures from thick, heavy and imperfect, covered with the little knots or slubs  as they are also called in linen, to a very highly processed, smooth,  sheer fabric.
    Both linen and silk are mentioned in Ezekiel, Proverbs and Revelation. 
    I was praying and wanted God to do a work in my life. I was at a point where I cried out to Him to show me the imperfections that He desired to touch and He showed me and continues to show me slubs that need to be remade. He is a master craftsman, a weaver of great skill and I am thankful for His skillful, compassionate hands. My prayer continues to be, "Take me, remake me, use me for Your glory."
Ephesians 2:10
    "For we are God's masterpiece.  He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago." 


  1. Thank you for your gift of writing. I also love flowers, butterflies and beautiful fabrics. I enjoy your blog. Keep it up.

  2. Beautifully written. It brought tears to my eyes, a sign of true art! Thank you Teresa.

  3. How touching and beautiful. Thank you for sharing this, and all of your posts. I have been greatly encouraged since I found your blog a few weeks ago.

    1. I'm glad you found my "Letters" Paula! I'm glad that my words encourage you!
