Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Finding The Promiser

                 Finding The Promiser
Dear Friends, 
     When I saw the word 'Promiser' being used, it grabbed my attention.  The word brings some questions to mind.  Who is this Promiser and what does He promise?
     George Mueller said that when a trial comes, "I will wait and see what good God will do to me by it, assured He will do it."  He was confident because he was intimately acquainted with the Promiser. 
     We know that the Word of God is full of promises.   He also put His promises in creation to draw people to Himself.  The promises are not hidden.  They are in sight for anyone to see!  
     The sight of this blooming pussy willow was a promise that the season is changing from winter to spring.  Signs of newly sprouting plants bring hope and knowledge that God is in control.  He hasn't hidden this truth, but displays it openly throughout the world.     
     The grip of winter has been unusually tight this year.  Many areas have been experiencing unrelenting wintry weather when normally spring is in full bloom by now.  We had a small glimmer of warmth that made the plants including the pussy willow wake up, but then freezing temperatures came and snow covered the ground again.  Life is unpredictable like that sometimes!  The little bits of yellow from the blooming daffodils poked up through the snow helping me remember that spring will come eventually. 
     Our wonderful Promiser has given us hope to hold on to the promise of the coming change of seasons, the dawning of a new day and the turn of trials into something good! 
Ecclesiastes 10:7
"Light is sweet; how pleasant to see a new day dawning."
 2 Peter 1:4
"And because of His glory and excellence, He has given us great and precious promises...."
Psalms 147:4-5
"He counts the stars
and calls them by name.
How great is our Lord!  His power is absolute!
His understanding is beyond comprehension!"

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