Sunday, June 3, 2018

Manna From Prayers

                  Manna From Prayers
Dear Friends,
     When I look at my garden full of pink Missouri primroses I think of the manna that God provided for the people as they journeyed through the wilderness.  They would gather the sweet tasting manna that had dropped from heaven.  I can imagine the children filling their mouths with it as they helped fill the baskets.
     Have you ever seen an artist's work studio, a carpenter's shop or a gardener's potting shed.  Tools and equipment line the shelves in the midst of projects that are being worked on.  In my sewing room are bins full of linen and silk fabrics that were cast off and discarded by former owners.  The sewing machine, pin cushion and thread rack are ready to be put to use.  The garden shed is filled with bags of soil, various sized pots and tools for gardening.  The wheeled cart has been left in the garden by the area that I was working in, along with some gloves, trowel and clippers. 
     God delivered the Hebrew people from the Egyptians and led them through the wilderness.  The wilderness was a sort of work shop.  God continually gave them signs of His presence and protection. He opened the Red Sea for them.  He fed them from heaven.  He guided them with a cloud always providing for their needs.
     When Jesus had a multitude of people following Him, He spent days teaching and healing.    
     In Matthew 14 we read of a time when Jesus told His disciples to feed the crowd of 5000 men plus women and children who were following Him.  Five loaves of bread and two fish were blessed and broken by His hands and given to the crowd.
     In Matthew 15 we read the account of when Jesus had compassion when He noticed that His followers were hungry.  Seven loaves of bread and 2 fish were found.  Jesus blessed the meal and the food was distributed to all 4,000 men plus the women and children.  All were fed until satisfied and the left overs were gathered into 7 large baskets. 
      As I read the account of the time in the wilderness, tears come to my eyes and I pray that I will be thankful and see His hand at work in my life.   I desire to be soft clay in His hands and  I pray that the manna I gather be sweet to taste and full of the nourishment I need.  Each of our lives is like an art project.  God uses events and people like tools to mold and shape us.   The words that come to my mind when I think of the Israelites journey through the wilderness and the feeding of the multitudes is abundant provision.  God is the abundant provider.  May our prayers bring the manna from Heaven so God will be glorified!  When we are in need we can remember the manna blessings, the past times when prayers were answered and when needs were met.  We can pray with thankful hearts to the wonderful provider!
Numbers 9:17
"Whenever the cloud lifted from over the sacred tent, the people of Israel would break camp and follow it."
Matthew 15:37
"They all ate as much as they wanted.  Afterward, the disciples picked up seven large baskets of leftover food."

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