Friday, March 23, 2018

An Interruption Becomes A Blessing

     An Interruption Becomes A Blessing
Dear Friends,
     Spring is trying to enter this part of the country.  We have experienced a few interruptions from cold fronts, ice storms and even some snow.  Because of the interruptions I haven't been able to be in the garden much yet this year.  While I was looking at my pictures I found this one from last spring.  I was getting the garden cleaned up so the new growth could get sunlight and I came across this cute little bog plant.  A few years ago it had been given to me my one of my children.  The following spring I found that it had dried up and disappeared.  I thought it was dead.  Disappointments happen in gardening.  
     I was overjoyed when I saw new growth from it after experiencing a couple of years with no signs of life! 
     We all experience interruptions of one kind or another.  They can last anywhere from a few moments to many years.  How we react to interruptions can be life changing.  We can look in the Word to see how Jesus reacted to interruptions.
     In Matthew 19:13-14 we read that some parents interrupted whatever Jesus was doing.  They wanted Jesus to pray for their children!  The disciples wanted the people to leave Jesus alone, but Jesus opened His arms for the children to come to Him!  He took time to bless the children before continuing on His way.  
     In Matthew 9:18 Jesus was having a discussion with his disciples.  A man came up asking for Jesus to come to his house and bring his young daughter back to life again!  Verse 19 says, "So Jesus and His disciples got up and went with Him."  That hurried walk was interrupted by a woman whose faith and desperate need led her to rush up and touch the fringes of His garment.  He stopped and said these kind words to her, "Daughter, be encouraged!  Your faith has made you well."
     When Jesus finally got to the house of the little girl He took her by the hand and she stood up!  The interruptions didn't stop Jesus from attending to the requests of anyone.  The girl's father hadn't been complaining or wringing his hands in frustration at the delay.  Faith and trust bore good fruit. 
     In Acts 3:1-10 we read that Peter and John had learned to react to interruptions in the way that Jesus reacted.  A lame man received the gift of healing when he least expected it!  They had learned to be like Jesus by using interruptions for His glory!   
   My hope and prayer today is that you will be encouraged to press on in prayerful anticipation in spite of delays and interruptions!
Mark 10:51-52
""What do you want me to do for you?" Jesus asked.  "My Rabbi," the blind man said, "I want to see!"  And Jesus said to him, "GO, for your faith has healed you."  Instantly the man could see, and he followed Jesus down the road." 

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