Monday, October 3, 2016

Mystery In The Deepest Well

           Mystery In The Deepest Well
Dear Friends,
      I remember as a child leaning over the top of a deep well.  My feet were off the ground and I could only see a tiny glimmer of sunlight reflecting off the water.  Fairytale stories of frogs, princes and Snow White's song echoed through my mind.  Wells seemed to be full of mysteries.  Calling into the well and hearing the echo always thrilled me and fed my imagination!  
     A bucket on a rope is dropped into the well and fresh, cold water is brought to the surface.  Can our lives be like a well?  Jesus offered Living Water to a woman who came to a well.  He was a Well full of Living Water.  Wherever He walked, whoever He spoke to and whoever He touched was given Living Water.   He was the Well that had the Holy Spirit alive and working in His life.  When He left the earth the Holy Spirit was sent as the Living Water for us.  This Living Water provides more than a drink for us.  It changes us into a source of strength.  We become a Well, a place where people can receive healing.  He gives us the necessary resources to be able to provide a fresh drink for the thirsty.  This water is a drink of compassion, a thoughtful word, or a listening ear. It's a prayer for the hurting and fearful. 
    My prayer today is that we can be the Well that has life giving water for those who thirst.  May we seek God to fill us so that we overflow.   
John 7:38
" Anyone who believes in me may come and drink!  For the Scriptures declare, 'Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.'"
John 4:14
"But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again.  It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life."



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