Saturday, September 3, 2016

Crisis In The Garden: The Rescue

       Crisis In The Garden: The Rescue
Dear Friends,
     There are songs that are written and sung because the artist had a message from God that needed to be sung.  Some books are written because a fire from God is burning inside the author and the book needs to be written so the message will be read.  God puts His message in hearts of His people.  He wants  songs to be sung and  books to be read to get His message out.  A book that I read with a message from the heart of God is, Rescue Me, by Cindee Martin Morgan.  Cindee wrote this book in time travel style to be a gentle way of teaching about God's view on life before birth. 
     The garden that is in a crisis now is the garden of the womb.  It is a garden that God designed to grow the seeds of human life.  The Bible mentions a tiny mustard seed and how it grows into a giant tree.  People talk about their family trees.  It's a tree drawn with their ancestry making up the many branches as far back in  history that they can find.  This tree had a beginning.  If the first seed hadn't been allowed to grow, if it had been dug up and destroyed each person making up the branches would never have had the chance to exist.  
     A lie has been spread like a wild fire.  The lie is destroying women and men every day.  It's also destroying the most innocent of all life, the life of the unborn.  These are the seeds of family trees that are being destroyed by the lie that they have no right to life.
    God's Word is alive and my prayer is that the message it contains will be a light on this lie.  God's love can bring healing to those who find that they were wrong.  He is ready to forgive and bring new life from this fire of destruction.  A wild fire in a forest does much destruction, but new life will spring up in the ashes.  Jesus holds the key to new life.  I pray for the end of the wild fire that is destroying life, and destroying family trees.
Psalms 127: 3
"Children are an heritage of the Lord; and the fruit of the womb."
Psalm 139: 13
"You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb."

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