Sunday, December 27, 2015

Spirit Wind: His Love In Motion

                            Spirit Wind: His Love In Motion
Dear Friends,
     The cold winter wind has blown the leaves around the yard and some are pressed against the fence. In the spring I'll rake and clean up the dried, wind blown leaves, but for now I see a message in the leaves against the fence. 
     I don't want to be like the leaves being blown around without purpose or like the dried leaves against the fence. Each day we have an opportunity to pray that God give us a vision for Him. Where can we spread His love today? Who can we touch with kindness? 
     We are near the end of a year, about to begin a new year. Many people use this time to make changes in routine and lifestyle improvement. Spending time in the Word and prayer can help us focus each day renewed and ready to see the opportunities that He has planned for us. Small acts of kindness can do a lot to brighten the life of someone who is having a hard time. 
The Spirit wind is love in motion.
Hebrews 10:24
"Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works."

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