Sunday, December 20, 2015

Sheep, a Star and a Stone

              Sheep, a Star and a Stone
Dear Friends, 
      Just as parents today are excited to announce the birth of a new baby, our Heavenly Father celebrated the birth of His only Son!  He was so excited to announce this miracle to the world!  The fulfillment of  His ancient prophecies was coming!  Angels filled the sky announcing His birth and the shepherds went to the stable and worshipped  the newborn  Messiah!  Wise men saw a bright star then went to Jerusalem and followed that star to where they found Jesus.  They brought special gifts and worshipped Him.  They knew of Herod's plan and returned home by a different way.  A dream warned Joseph of the evil plan and Jesus was taken to safety. 
     The Father had planned each detail to bring redemption to this world. 
     I find it interesting that a lovely flower called 'Star of Bethlehem' is used as a health remedy for trauma injuries and anxiety situations to bring calm and healing to the body and mind.  Jesus was a healer of broken bodies, minds and hearts.  His touch and His words brought peace, comfort and redemption to the world. 
   When His time for death had come and His body was sealed behind a large stone the earth quaked and that stone rolled away!  An angel announced His Ressurection to the women who had come to the grave. The announcements of His birth and His Ressurection  were followed by amazement!  Shepherds, wise men, and fishermen fell to their knees and worshipped Him!  Those who heard the Good News had a burning desire to spread the message.  Our Messiah, the Star of Bethlehem lives! 
Mark 16:15
"And then He told them, " Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone."

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