Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Snow Falls and Tears Fall


                    Snow Falls: Tears Fall

Dear Friends,

     It's nice to be here again.  The list of reasons for being absent and neglecting this time with you is long.  I think the break away was needed and I am ready for a nice visit.  

     Jesus experienced times that He needed to distance Himself from others.  Sometimes people didn't understand why He wasn't there when they needed Him.

     In Mark chapter 4 we can read about a time when Jesus was so exhausted that He was sleeping soundly during a storm at sea.  His disciples thought He didn't care that they might all drown.  This situation makes me ask myself, "Would I be afraid of the storms around me if Jesus was physically with me?" After the storm quieted at the sound of His voice He asked them a question.

     Mark 4:40

"Then He asked them, "Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?"

     I want the kind of faith that grows stronger during these storms.  Can you pray this with me?  The storms don't seem to be subsiding right now.  Every day is full of challenges for all of us.  Jesus is with us and He won't leave us.  I love the image of a giant bird that has the strong, soft wings over us for protection. The storm blows. The wind blows like whispers.   Singing beautiful songs over us that bring tears streaming down our faces. 

     Let's pray and pray for one another that our faith will grow and we can face these storms!

1 Thessalonians 3:24

"And may the Lord make your love for one another and for all people grow and overflow, just as our love for you overflows."

1 comment:

  1. "There is a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing." Eccl. 3:5
    It is okay to step away when needed. I love your articles, and appreciate when you share....but I respect your need to step away at times. I think we all do. Blessings to you. May Abba surround you with His shalom. ~Paula
