Friday, April 24, 2020

Through The Storm: Seeing His Faithfulness

                  Through The Storm:
                Seeing His Faithfulness 
Dear Friends,
      God alerted  Noah that a storm was coming.  Noah and his family trusted God and remained safe throughout the flood.  I can’t begin to imagine the difficulty in that situation.  So many questions race through my mind.  The lack of  things  that we today consider necessary must have made the experience extremely challenging!  
     A storm is raging. 
    When Noah was waiting for the dove to return he didn’t despair.  He knew that God had a plan, even if the details weren’t clear to him yet.
     The storm brings many challenges depending on our individual circumstances.  During this time we all have moments or days that we need to take a breath, look around us and take inventory of what we do have.  Maybe our gratitude list is short today.  Today we can look at the story of Noah and see his faith and obedience, his patience in the storm.  
     The dove came back with an olive leaf!  The flooded earth was showing signs that the water was receding and an end of the flood was near!  They waited and continued trusting for two more months until God told them that they could release the animals and leave the ark.
     Throughout history men  have faced extreme hardships.
     I pray that this storm we face today will be remembered by the love we had for one another, the sacrifices we made for each other.  I hope this time in history is remembered for how people united in the cause to bring healing to the world.
May God be merciful and help us all!
Genesis 8:3-4
“So the floodwaters gradually receded from the earth.  After 150 days, exactly five months from the time the flood began, the boat came to rest on the mountains of Ararat.”
Genesis 8:12
“He waited another seven days and then released the dove again.  This time it did not come back.”
Psalms 90:14
“Satisfy us each morning with Your unfailing love, so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives.”


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