Saturday, May 13, 2017

Flowers For Mom

                    Flowers For Mom
Dear Friends,
     Today I'm thinking about Mother's Day and remembering some special times with my mom.   I'm feeling thankful for those memories.  She has been gone for quite a few years and I still wish I could call her or go for a visit.  Sometimes I would take some plants to her and dig up an area around the clothesline pole and plant them for her.  She gave me an orange begonia to plant when I got home.  Sometimes she would suggest that I dig up some things growing around her house so that I could enjoy them at my home.
     A passion fruit vine grew on the railing of the front porch and a row of peonies with big, fragrant pink blossoms bloomed every year.
    As Mother's Day draws near the memories flood into my mind  along with the tears of missing mom. 
    I am so thankful that I have been given the opportunity to be a mother, grandmother and a mother-in-law.  A mother has many joys and also many challenges as we tend to try to heal all the hurts, both physical and emotional.  God has shown me that He desires us to carry one another's burdens to Him in prayer.  As a mother I have prayed as I bandaged a wounded knee, and while I listened to a child's questions, sorrows and joys.  
    If someone were to ask me how to be a mother I would say that it is only to be done with much prayer.
Galatians 6:2
"Share each other's burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ."


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