Sunday, March 13, 2016

Fervent Prayer and the Broken Axe

      Fervent Prayer and the Broken Axe

 Dear Friends,
      I have seen the movie "War Room" and I am reading "Fervent" both of which are meant to stir us up to pray.  Maybe by writing this letter I can encourage you also.    
     In our busy lives we tend to forget things and we need reminders.  At least I do.  Last summer my garden was filled with  brilliant flowers of many colors.  Pictures of the flowers  help me to not forget and they give me something to hope for during the winter months and in early spring before the flowers bloom again.
     I also use notes for reminders.  I have notes attached to the refrigerator, notes taped to the bathroom mirror, notes on the calendar, notes in margins of books, and more, all so I don't forget things.  It also helps me to write out or journal my prayers for the simple reason that I don't want to forget.  Writing our prayers, our hopes and God's promises can give us visual reminders.  When these prayers are answered and we make a note of the answered prayer our faith will grow.  We will be encouraged to keep pressing on. 
  We can read in 2 Kings 6: 2-7 about Elisha's servant who was working and the borrowed axe he was using broke.  The axe head sank to the bottom of the Jordan River along with the heart of the servant.  Compassionate Elisha threw a stick in the water and the axe head floated to the surface of the river.  The servant picked it up.  His faith was lifted up and how he must have praised God!  I'm sure he never forgot this miracle gift!  Elisha's passion and his compassionate heart fanned the flame of  the faith of the servant in that moment of need. 
     I'm so thankful that the Word of God is filled with examples of God's miracles and answered prayers.  They are meant to be reminders for us that He knows our needs.  Sharing our prayer needs with friends and sharing testimonies of answered prayers will give glory to God.
Hosea 6:3
"Oh, that we might know the Lord!  Let us press on to know Him.  He will respond to us as surely as the arrival of dawn or the coming rains in early spring."

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