Monday, March 7, 2016

Between the Promise and the Fulfillment

                             Between the Promise
                  and the Fulfillment
Dear Friends,
     Right now a few things are beginning to have new growth in my garden.  A few green stems and leaves are coming up from the cold ground.  Now is the time between when I know the plants exist hidden under the ground and when I see them in full bloom.  
     The freshly sprouted leaves and stems are little messages. Their roots need to be in the earth like our feet need to be on the earth. As you read this do you find your eyes glancing up to the picture of the brilliant Heavenly Blue Morning Glory?  The light that is reflecting off the flower is like the Light of Heaven.  We need to have our feet on this earth but have our eyes and our hope on Heaven.  This is how we live between the promise and the fulfillment of the promise.
    Our feet are on a rugged and unchartered terrain.  Stones and rocks may trip us.  Hardships and grief can overwhelm us.
    2 Timothy 3:1 warns us that, "perilous times" would come.  
    This time of life is between the promise and the fulfillment.  The Light is always there when we look up.  
Matthew 5: 3
"God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for Him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs."

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