Saturday, February 20, 2016

With Wings Like Eagles

                           With Wings Like Eagles
Dear Friends,
     This tiny baby wren had gotten blown from its nest before it could fly.  The fragile wings softly fluttered in the palm of my hand.
     Have you ever been homesick?  If you have ever been in an airport you probably have seen soldiers traveling in uniform.  They carry heavy duffle bags full of gear for extended stays away from home.  They are probably the most homesick of travelers.  They spend months enduring grueling training in preparation for battles.  They are cut off from communication with loved ones and learn how to survive harsh circumstances. 
     Our strength is found while we wait on the Lord.  This waiting is not the comfy, under a warm blanket kind of waiting.  This kind of waiting is like getting water from a well or like training for a battle.  It's an active kind of waiting. 
     Strength is needed to first dig the well.  Genesis 26: 19 says, "And Isaac's servants also dug in the Gerar Valley and discovered a well of fresh water."  More strength is needed to remove the stone that covers the mouth of the well.  Genesis 29:2 says, "a heavy stone covered the mouth of the well."
     The bucket next to the deep well is useless without the rope. When we go to Him continually each day our strength is renewed.  His Word is our lifeline.  
     So, like a soldier needs to endure training for battle,  a bucket needs to be lowered into to depths of the well and be lifted up to give refreshment. 
Isaiah 40:31
"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."

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