Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Unfinished Work

                                    Unfinished Work  
Dear Friends, 
       I took this picture of an Angel Trumpet tree last fall at a local botanical garden and wanted to share it with you.
      Every year at the end of  the fall I am never quite done with the work of preparing the garden for the coming spring.  When the weather gets warm again I will have to do those unfinished tasks before I can plant anything new in the ground.
     Sometimes people who knew Jesus couldn't see the  possibilities and they mourned needlessly.  If only they had known that Jesus wasn't finished yet. 
      If we look in chapter five of the Gospel of Mark we see a man named Jairus.  His daughter is very sick and he is hurrying to ask Jesus to come to heal her.  Jesus began the walk back to the man's home with him and on the way stopped to heal someone else.  Can you imagine how impatient Jairus could have been?  Then a messenger came to report that the girl had died and that the Master need not come now.   Jairus was devastated!  Jesus continued on with the grieving father to the house where the girl was.   The crowd that had gathered laughed at Jesus when He arrived.  They scorned Him and wanted to hold onto only what they could see, the still form of a breathless girl.
     Jesus took her hand and spoke life to her.  She stood up and walked.  He told them to give her food to eat! 
     Another example is in John chapter 11 when Mary and Martha were grieving the death of their brother Lazarus.  While in the midst of mourners, Jesus spoke life to Lazarus so that not only he would have life, but so those who heard His voice would believe also.  He wanted them to know that He wasn't finished yet!  With God involved there is always a chance for a miracle!
2 Corinthians 4:18a
"So we don't look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen."


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