Saturday, October 31, 2015

Sweetness From Rocky Soil

                                   Sweetness From Rocky Soil
Dear Friends,
     Miles of rows of grape vines fill the hills of Samaria near Jerusalem. Large white rocks have been used to terrace the hills, creating little walls making the land useful for the vineyard and  olive grove owners. 
     Each day the grape harvest starts early before the morning dew has evaporated. The sun rises higher in the sky. The scorching heat is perfect for ripening the grapes. The last clusters of royal purple grapes need to be picked before the cooler weather along with daily, heavy rainfall begins. The vineyard owner wants every grape picked to make his prize-winning wine. The ground is dry and dusty and the grapes are beginning to shrivel on the vines. These are the last and the sweetest grapes from ancient vines that will be pressed into the sweetest wine. The sweetness attracts the honey bees which will make golden, sticky sweetness.
      The roots of these vines are strong. They have worked hard to push through the rocks to reach the deep water source down below the surface to feed the vines. 
    Once the work of the harvest is finished the heavy rains come. The dry, thirsty soil is thankful and the leaves on the vines become beautiful red and dry as they fall from the vines.  The roots grow deeper as they find that the Source is now filled with life giving water. 
Colossians 2:7 
"Let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness."

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