Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Spring, a Sting and a Lesson

           Spring, a Sting and a Lesson
Dear Friends,
     Spring weather was here in all it's beauty for one day last week. I looked at the garden that is covered with brown leaves and fallen branches.  A lot of the plants from last year were still there in a dry, leaning over, not lovely way.  
     My little wren friend was singing her greeting!            
     I knew from looking at the weather forecast that the sunshine was going to only last for a day, then we were going to have a string of cloudy, rainy days.  So I got the rake and clippers out and got started clearing the dried up debris from my flower beds.  It felt so good to be out in the warm sunshine.  I hung a bird house and wind chimes.  I uncovered some new flowers with the rake!  I had made a good start on cleaning things up, then a wasp flew up at me and stung my elbow! 
     Now I had to stop, take care of my wound, put the rake away.  It hurt and I was upset that my plans were spoiled.  The beauty of the day was gone as the sting distracted me.  Now I would have to wait for who knows how long until I got another perfect day.
     So today  I sit in the house and watch the rain fall.  I see the totally gray sky.  
     I continue looking out the window.  The trees with their dark, leafless branches are  reaching up to heaven in thankful worship as the sky drips tears.  Thankfulness returns.  How many things am I thankful for?  Gratitude pours in and the debris washes away with the rain.
     Jesus was able to give thanks on the eve of His betrayal and crucifixion.  How much more should I be able to give thanks?  I will give thanks though the sky is gray and the rain is falling.  Wasps sting and sorrows exist.  Even still, I will be thankful.
Luke 22:17
"Then He took a cup of wine and gave thanks to God for it. Then He said, "Take this and share it among yourselves."

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