Monday, August 8, 2016

The Storm and A Broken Pot

                    The Storm and A Broken Pot
Dear Friends,
      The rain was wonderful for the garden but the fierce wind had knocked a pretty painted flower pot off of the patio table.  Although I was a bit disappointed that the pretty pot was broken, I was able to rescue the  plant and put it in another pot and I could use the broken pot as an opportunity to write my blog!
     I am reminded of a well known Winnie the Pooh story that has a lesson for children woven into it.  It was Eeyore's birthday and Pooh had a pot of honey to give him for a gift and Piglet had a big, red balloon to give him.  On the way to Eeyore's house Pooh snacked on all the honey and Piglet tripped and broke the balloon.  Eeyore's response was to turn the empty honey pot into a "useful" pot  to hold his birthday balloon. 
     Disappointments happen to all of us from time to time in different degrees.  People can often disappoint us.  How does God want us to respond to these situations?  
     I want to look in the Word of God and see how Jesus responded to the worst possible of  disappointments.  During the 3 years that Jesus was with the Apostles He spoke with them concerning His coming death and Resurrection.  He wanted them to be prepared.  In John 13 we read about the last Passover meal that Jesus was having with his closest friends.  He goes around the table bathing their feet and drying them with a towel.  This was a deliberate act of love toward them.  In verse 14 He tells them to do the same for each other.  In verse 21 we read, "Now Jesus was deeply troubled."  He knew that one of these friends would betray Him, and that Peter would deny knowing Him 3 times.  He was sitting with them and dipping His bread in the same bowl as Judas was.  Reading on, after Judas had left, in John 14:27 Jesus says, "I am leaving you with a gift, peace of mind and heart.  And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give so don't be troubled or afraid."
    The example of Jesus is to love one another and be a servant to others, giving good gifts even during the most difficult and disappointing times.  
John 15:12
"This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you."

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