Monday, September 7, 2015

Linen Stiches: Finding Butterfly Wings

                    Linen Stitches: Finding Butterfly Wings
  Dear Friends,
    God calls all of us to love our neighbors and to lay down our lives for one another. Loving our neighbors not only ministers to that individual but also is a reflection of Jesus to others around us while building up the Body.
     I have been thinking about the different ways God uses our unique gifts, talents and personalities.  Searching God's Word and allowing Him to guide our steps will bring us to the opportunities He has planned for us. We have a choice to step into that place or not. When we do take the step He will equip us  for the task and provide what we need to accomplish the job  for His glory.  
     I have wondered why Simon was the one chosen to carry the Cross for Jesus. He had a choice to bolt from the scene to escape the task pressing on him. I imagine him looking into the eyes of Jesus and welcoming the opportunity to use his strength. Did he whisper a kind word to Jesus as he lifted the Cross onto his own shoulder? Did he sweat and bleed under the weight of the Cross?  Simon's encounter with Jesus involved pain and suffering. 
     When we enter into the work that we are called to do and are accompanied by the gifts and talents of others the weight of the task is lightened. Unity and community is loving our neighbor and carrying the cross.
     I've met people who have a special love for children with special needs. They opened their hearts and homes to several of these children who didn't have family to love and care for them. They made a choice and stepped into the hard place where God wanted them to minister in.  It isn't a job that can be done alone. It takes unity and community, the Church loving one another.  I've met a family who laid down their life and moved to another state to care for an elderly parent (grandpa) so that his quality of life would improve. The family works together in his care, strong and determined to do the task God has burned into their hearts. It takes unity and community to do this work.  These are examples of  loving your neighbor, of laying down your life for another.  Maybe when we see a brother or a sister who is carrying a cross we will actively welcome an opportunity to help.  A cup of water, a hug and a prayer can go a long way sometimes.
   Finding butterfly wings is a way to describe finding your path, or your calling and then trusting and taking flight into the area He is leading. 
Matthew 25: 40
"....Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."
Mark 8:34
".... He said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me."

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