Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Gardens and Harps: Finding Healing In The Willow Tree

                                 Gardens and Harps:
             Finding Healing In The Willow Tree

Dear Friends,
     These words comes to my mind as I consider the recent horrific event that happened in Charleston, S.C. this past week. 
    I remember as a small child how I enjoyed playing under the swaying, leafy branches of the willow tree in the back yard. The branches were like flowing hair on a beautiful princess who was  dancing in the breeze. Children love playing and having picnics under the canopy of the willow.
     Psalms 137 says that "they hanged their harps on the willow."  They were in captivity.  A place of no joy. The joy that had flowed from the music of the harps and the dancing branches of the willow tree before the invasion had turned to desolation and despair.
     When evil touched the community in Charleston they responded in their overwhelming grief with a message of forgiveness and compassion for the one who hurt them. The sorrow and pain of loss of lives will remain, but Jesus is the victor in this situation. Prayers and God's Word will continue to go forth from that place. They made a choice to NOT hang their harps on the willow! 
    Some different forms of captivity include physical, emotional and spiritual. Bitterness and unforgiving attitudes can lead to addictions and emotional or mental problems that keep people in bondage. When someone hangs their harp on the willow it's a sign of a need to turn to Jesus. 
     Willow bark is called "Nature's Aspirin" because of the pain relieving benefits. The Willow cannot remove the pain associated with a crime like the people of Charleston experienced nor can it remove the pain caused by a bitter heart.
    My picture of a Passion flower represents the pain that Jesus endured for us on the Cross. He made the choice to die for us so that we can be freed  from captivity. Listen to the message of the people of Charleston, the message of forgiveness, of turning to Jesus with our pain! He is the wonderful healer! He wants us to come to Him like children.  Come under the canopy of the Willow! Jesus wants us to play the harp and be joyful in freedom from the chains that hold us captive.
Matthew 11:28-30
"Then Jesus said, Come to Me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. take My yoke upon you. Let Me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls."

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