Saturday, September 16, 2017

Soldiers In God's Army

                      Soldiers In God's Army
Dear friends,
     For weeks I had Giant Swallowtail butterflies come to sip nectar  from flowers in my garden.  This one was the size of my hand, magnificent to see!  A garden is a feeding ground for God's creatures. Whether on the ground or in flight they were created with the ability to find food  and shelter.  
     Sometimes situations happen that leave us desperate and in need of help in order to have our basic needs met.  The recent catastrophic hurricanes and wild fires have been in the news recently.  Many cities and whole states are in emergency status. 
     I have been blessed with the opportunity to be a volunteer with the Salvation Army.  Many Salvation Army teams have been deployed to the areas in need.  Much organization, training and commitment is needed. Many other Christian organizations are involved in the relief efforts along with government agencies.  
    It's beautiful to see so many people willing to leave their families and the comfort of home to serve strangers in need.  
    William Booth's philosophy of soup, soap and salvation are at work on the front lines to meet human needs in times of distress.  Love and mercy are put in action to minister to those in need of food, water and someone to listen to them.  Bodies, minds and souls have the living water made available without discrimination!  God bless the first responders, and all who go to the aid of those in need.
John 4:14
"But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again.  It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life."