Saturday, August 26, 2017

Songs From The Sky

                  Songs From The Sky
Dear Friends,
     Summer is coming to a close and I have been seeing and hearing signs that fall is about to begin.  One of these signs is the cicada insect shells attached to trees and plants.  They are monstrous looking things with buggy eyes and legs that have barbs that allow them to cling to things.  They are found after the insect has emerged and has flown to the treetops.  The insect has a monstrous green body and transparent wings and huge bulging eyes.  They make a loud reverberating chirping/humming sound from the treetops!
     God's Word has references to ways that nature worships the God who created it all.  The world is full of unique creatures that display amazing characteristics.  I am in awe of our Maker.    
     He loves His creation.  Our world displays His creativity and  we read in Psalms 148:5, "Let every created thing give praise to the Lord, for He issued His command, and they came into being."
     We also are a part of His handiwork.  Ephesians 2:10 says, "For we are God's masterpiece.  He created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."
     In Exodus 31 God talked with Moses and told him that He had chosen Bezalel and, " filled him with the Spirit of God, giving him great wisdom, ability, and expertise in all kinds of crafts.  He is a master craftsman, expert in working with gold, silver and bronze...."  Bezalel was chosen to use his abilities  for building the Tabernacle of God.   
     The abilities that make us who we are can be used to glorify God.  We must never think that we are lacking in that area, but live to glorify God with our lives. He is our Heavenly Father who desires His children to be His image bearers!  How do you see Christ in your neighbor or your friend?  I want to  encourage you to look for His image in people around you!
Psalms 66:8
"Let the whole world bless our God and loudly sing His praises."

Friday, August 4, 2017

Fertile ground: Finding a Surprise

Fertile Ground: Finding a Surprise

Dear Friends,
     I haven't written to you for a while.  Summer is a busy time in the garden.  It gets hard to keep up with the weeds and grass that try to take over. Just a few days of neglect can mean extra hours of work the next time I have a chance to work out there.   
     In the early spring a leafy plant grows in a few places in my garden. The strange thing is that nothing else appears but the leaves.  Then they dry up and return to the ground, appearing  to be dead.  Then, in the late summer stalks rise up a few feet tall and buds form at the top of the stalks. They usually open up the next day, pink with yellow centers and long, spidery stamen.  Often the next day they appear to have been brushed with a stroke of purple paint on each petal.  God's artwork for sure!  
     This flower has a few names that it goes by but I call it a surprise lily.  I love the way it pops up when I'm not expecting it, right in the middle of the black eyed Susan flowers!
     In a conversation with a friend the other day we were talking about prayer and how this helps to prepare the hearts of people to desire a relationship with God.  The soil of their heart becomes fertile ground for when the Word of God is sown like a plant.  We must continue in prayer.  Things are happening that are not seen, but are very real.  Life will spring forth and God will be glorified!
Jesus talked about a fig tree that didn't produce any figs.  Special attention and fertilizer could possibly help the tree produce fruit, much the same way that continued, faithful prayer can make a difference in someone's life.
Ephesians 6:18
"Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion.  Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere."
Psalms 69:13
"But I keep praying to You, Lord, hoping this time you will show me favor.  In Your unfailing love, O God, answer my prayer with Your sure salvation."