Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Hear The Bells Ringing

                 Hear The Bells Ringing
Dear Friends,
     Today I heard the Easter Song and actually listened to it several times soaking in the beautiful melody! I could imagine the angels singing and bells ringing to tell the world that Jesus was risen. The garden must have been radiant in the light of the new day when the women found the stone rolled away!  The scent of the blooming Jasmine and Honeysuckle vines was probably drifting in the soft breeze throughout the garden. The Lilies must have been perfuming the pathway as they hurried to tell the disciples that He had risen. 
    So much had happened during those past few days and so many emotional scenes had past before the eyes of these women who loved Him so much that they wanted to anoint Him with sweet spices. Verse 8 of Matthew 28 says that "they departed quickly with fear and great joy; and did run to bring his disciples word."  He had told them that He would be killed and then rise the third day. In the rush to spread the good news they may have left the jar of spices. Jesus had already been anointed with very precious perfume  when the woman came to Him in Bethany and broke her alabaster jar and poured it over His head. He had told them then that she had come to anoint Him for His burial. 
    Now they would remember His words that they didn't fully understand at the time He spoke them. He had given them the hope filled promise that they could have new life just as He had new life.   We can go to the garden to find a loving, living Savior!
    Just as new life rises up from the earth in the spring time, and fills the garden path with sweetness, we can have new life and have His aroma as we live each day. That aroma can reach into the darkest places and bring hope and freedom to those in need. In the Gospel of John, chapter 17, Jesus prays to the Father "...Then your love for me will be in them, and I will be in them."

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Night Time Dew and Morning Prayers

               Dew Drops and Morning Prayers

Dear Friends,
      While we sleep, delicate dew drops quietly  form on each tiny flower petal. Slowly the morning sun rises and each fragile strand of a spider web glistens. Tiny, drop shaped prisms make the rays dance through the windows. 
     God paints such a majestic picture for us with whispering strokes of His brush.  The night dew clings like teardrops, then evaporates as the sun rises and warms the earth. The tears of sorrow that fell on a pillow are dry and the misty veil is lifted as the new day begins with prayer. 
    Each day is a gift from God, something to celebrate in praise and thanksgiving. The sleeping flower beds toss their colorful quilts in the breeze as they wake up to a beautiful day. As the sun moves  higher in the sky, the flower buds unfurl colorful petals and their scent fills the air with  blessings of a new day. God has been faithful while we slept.  A new day has begun with the dew drops and  sweet wren songs giving the day hope filled tender mercies of our God.
Lamentations 3:22-23
"The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease.
Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each morning."